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Springtime and Rashes. How to Enjoy the Sun Without the Rash

Spring is finally here! While that means spending more time outside, it also means a higher possibility of contracting a skin rash. If you want to avoid rashes while you’re enjoying the nice weather, here are a few cosmetic dermatology tips to help you out.


Common Rashes from Springtime


Heat Rash

Heat rash is one of the most common skin rashes that crops up when the weather gets warmer. As the name suggests, heat rash occurs as a result of trapped heat too close to your skin. If you wear tight clothes or fabrics that aren’t breathable, you risk trapping heat and perspiration right on the surface of your skin,. Combined with friction from tight clothes rubbing up against your skin, you have a perfect recipe for heat rash. Fortunately, it’s relatively easy to avoid and cure this rash. To avoid it entirely, make sure you wear light, loose clothing while it’s warm outside. If you’re nervous about it getting cooler at night, dress in layers. Your base layer should be light and breathable — a cotton shirt is a good option to consider here. In addition, make sure your skin is clean and that you change out of sweaty clothes as soon as possible. This tip can also help you prevent acne and eczema flare-ups during the spring and summer months. If you’re currently suffering from heat rash and need a cure, no worries. Simply clean off the skin and keep it cool. Avoiding heat exposure is your best bet here. The rash should clear up in a few days if you follow those steps.

Contact Dermatitis

As spring rolls around and the weather gets warmer, you’ll likely be outside more often. Unfortunately, enjoying the great outdoors also means there’s an increased possibility of contracting contact dermatitis. This skin rash typically occurs when your skin comes into contact with a foreign substance. The resulting symptoms may include swelling, itchiness, dry or tight skin, and small bumps that look like hives. Fortunately, contact dermatitis isn’t contagious and typically goes away after a few days. The most effective thing you can do to prevent contact dermatitis in the future is to figure out what caused your rash in the first place. In many cases, plants like poison ivy, poison oak, or poison sumac are to blame. That being said, it’s also possible for a domestic item to cause contact dermatitis. If you’ve recently changed your laundry products or your skincare routine, it’s worth examining whether any of those products are to blame. Once you know what caused your contact dermatitis, it’s possible to avoid it in the future. In addition, it’s always a good idea to wear gloves, long pants, and closed-toed shoes when you’re working in the yard.

Hay Fever

While hay fever might typically be portrayed as sneezing and sniffling, the truth is that it can also result in the formation of hives, which are considered a skin rash. While hives may itch, they’re not considered a dry skin rash. Rather, they’re triggered by allergen exposure. If you’re allergic to tree pollen or ragweed, you might already be familiar with hives. To prevent this rash from wreaking havoc on your springtime fun, it’s important to work with your doctor to determine the allergens that are contributing to your hay fever. It’s also possible to find relief from hives with over-the-counter medications and topical anti-itching treatments.

Spring should be a time when you feel free to enjoy the great outdoors. If you’re suffering from springtime rashes and need relief, set up a consultation with our team at North Pacific Dermatology today.

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