Before Mohs Micrographic Surgery
Before Mohs Micrographic Surgery
Be well rested and eat a good breakfast. Take your usual medications, unless directed otherwise. We request that you do not take any aspirin or aspirin-containing products, such as Anacin or Bufferin, for ten days prior to the surgery. If you take aspirin on a daily basis that is prescribed by your physician, we ask that you check with him/her to see if you may stop taking it prior to the procedure. In addition, please do not take Ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil, etc.) for four days prior to the procedure. You may substitute acetaminophen (Tylenol) if required. Do not drink any alcoholic beverages for 24 hours before the procedure as it causes increased bleeding.

If you take any over the counter supplements other than a multivitamin, please stop those ten days prior to the procedure as many cause increased bleeding (fish oil, vitamin E, garlic, saw palmetto, CcoQ10 are just a few).
Shampoo your hair before surgery, as your wound and initial dressing may have to remain dry for 48 hours thereafter. The length of the procedure varies depending on the size and location of the skin cancer and the type of reconstruction to be done. Although the average time is 5-7 hours, you should plan on spending much of the day in our office. We ask that you limit the number of people accompanying you to one other because of the limited space in our waiting room. There is plenty of time spent waiting for the lab work, so bring a book or handiwork if you like.