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How to Treat Dry and Chapped Skin

Dealing with dry, chapped skin can be a pain. Whether you’ve been diagnosed with eczema or you just have a history of dry, chapped skin during the drier days of the year, there are a few important skin care tips to help you manage.


Change Your Moisturizer

If you’re using your normal moisturizer to treat your chapped skin or eczema rash and nothing’s happening, it’s time for a change. In most cases, a normal moisturizer just isn’t enough to treat dry, chapped skin effectively. If you’re running into this problem, consider switching to a thicker moisturizer. And if you’re really in need of some skin TLC, consider investing in an eczema cream specifically designed to combat chapped skin. In addition, make sure you’re moisturizing multiple times daily, especially after washing your hands or bathing.

Shorten Your Showers

Long showers might feel nice while you’re taking them, but ultimately they’re detrimental to your skin. Staying in the water for that long — especially if it’s hot water — can strip your skin of the natural oils it needs to stay moisturized. And if you’re already dealing with chapped skin, your long showers could make it even worse. In addition, consider turning down the temperature on your showers. Water that’s too hot can do plenty of damage on its own, even if you’re only in the shower for a few minutes. When in doubt, shorten up your showers as much as you can and try to keep the temperature mild. Doing these two things can help you treat your dry skin at home.

Take Care When Shaving

Ideally, not shaving at all is the best solution for dealing with chapped skin. But if you absolutely need to shave, make sure you’re taking the proper steps to protect your skin both before and afterward. Before you shave, make sure you’re using clean, sharp razors. Dull razors means going over the same spot twice, which means irritating your skin. In addition, make sure you use some kind of lubricant like shaving cream or gel. This can help eliminate friction on your skin, which could exacerbate dryness. But if you can help it, a combination of frequent moisturizing and not shaving at all is going to be best for your skin.

Invest in a Humidifier

One of the most common skin irritants that can contribute to dry skin is hot, dry air. Whether you have a forced air system in your home or the climate in general is dry, moisture in the air plays a big role in how your skin feels. One of the easiest ways to combat dry air (and dry skin) is to invest in a humidifier for your home. A small humidifier can help add moisture into the air, making it easier to breathe and easier on your skin. It’s typically best to have your humidifier running at night. This is a time when your skin is pushed up against the fabric of your sheets and pajamas, and exposed to dry nighttime air.

If you’ve been dealing with dry, chapped skin by yourself to no avail and you need a solution, don’t hesitate to set up an appointment at North Pacific Dermatology Specialists today.

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