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How Allergies Affect Your Skin

While some of us might be ecstatic to celebrate the arrival of spring, those of us with seasonal allergies might feel otherwise. If you’re nervous about what effects allergies might have on your skin this season, here’s what you need to know.


What to Know About Allergies and Your Skin


Eczema Flare-Ups

Fortunately, eczema isn’t considered an allergic reaction. That being said, seasonal allergies have been known to aggravate this condition on occasion. When you have eczema, the outermost protective layer of your skin is abnormally sensitive to external irritants. As a result, it’s incredibly easy for your skin to feel dry and irritated, even when there aren’t any allergens in the immediate vicinity. Of course, that also means that when allergens are present around you, your eczema may flare up and turn into a nasty dry skin rash. It’s also a possibility that you’ll experience symptoms like swelling, redness, and even patches of skin that appear crusty or ooze if scratched. If you have eczema and also suffer from seasonal allergies, now is a good time to visit your dermatologist. Certain cosmetic dermatology treatments can help manage your condition when irritants like pollen and other allergens are everywhere. Even if your seasonal allergies don’t affect your eczema to the point where it interferes with your day-to-day, it’s important to properly manage this condition with excellent moisturizing habits and frequent contact with your dermatologist.


If you’ve ever had an allergic reaction before, you’re probably familiar with hives. Unfortunately, hives are one of the most common reactions to seasonal allergies on the skin. They’re also one of the most uncomfortable! If you’re unsure whether you have hives or not, be on the lookout for groupings of red, raised bumps on your skin that itch. They might look a little bit like an acne flare-up. If you want to treat hives, it’s important to know what caused them in the first place. That’s why it’s important to have a sound understanding of what you’re allergic to and how it affects your skin. If you know that rolling around in the grass leads to hives on your skin, then you can avoid that specific activity. But not all allergens are so simple to avoid. If you can’t avoid your allergen 100% of the time, talk to your dermatologist about potential itch relief solutions. They’ll likely recommend an antihistamine or a hydrocortisone cream to help.

Puffy Eyes and Dark Circles

Seasonal allergies are more or less a one-way ticket to watery, itchy eyes. In fact, eye irritation is one of the most commonly recognized symptoms of seasonal allergies. But it’s not just your eyes that are irritated, it’s the skin around them, too. The delicate skin around your eyes can become inflamed as a result of seasonal allergies. The best thing you can do when the skin around your eyes is irritated is not to touch it. Touching already irritated skin is a sure way to make your allergic reaction worse. Not only that, but you could be damaging the skin around your eyes unknowingly.

If you’re suffering from seasonal allergies and need relief, set up a consultation with our team at North Pacific Dermatology today.

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