Healing Your Skin with Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT)
If you’re looking for a dermatologist-approved method of promoting skin healing, collagen induction therapy (CIT) could be the solution you’ve been looking for. How could CIT help help you? Here are a few things you should know.
What Is Collagen Induction Therapy?
Collagen induction therapy (CIT) is also known as microneedling. So when you’re looking for a dermatologist who performs CIT procedures, you’re looking for a microneedling dermatologist.
CIT is a process used to stimulate your skin’s natural ability to heal itself using collagen. This therapy makes use of hundreds of tiny, sharp needles to create what are called micro-channels in your skin. Once you have these tiny micro injuries, your body will produce collagen to help heal them.
Let’s get into a few of the reasons why CIT might help you.
Wrinkle Smoothing
One of the most noticeable benefits of collagen induction therapy is the reduction of wrinkles. Wrinkles form as a result of the loss of fat and collagen from the face, among other things. By stimulating collagen production with CIT, it’s possible to reduce the appearance of wrinkles on the skin.
So if one of your goals is to reduce eye wrinkles, CIT may be a good option for you to consider.
Minimally Invasive
Whether you’re looking to reduce the appearance of wrinkles or you want to get rid of acne, the ideal treatment is minimally invasive. Some patients physically may not be able to handle fillers or injections like Botox. In addition, many people might not want an invasive procedure performed to smooth out a few forehead wrinkles.
This makes CIT an ideal part of cosmetic dermatology services. The procedure is minimally invasive and there’s virtually no downtime.
If you have a busy lifestyle or you’re just not looking for an invasive treatment solution, it’s worth considering CIT as an option.
Acne Scar Reduction
While collagen induction therapy won’t necessarily get rid of acne for you, it could help you reduce the appearance of acne scarring. Scarring from acne is often bumpy and hyperpigmented.
Fortunately, CIT treatment can help ease the appearance of both of those things. The collagen produced as a result of this treatment helps skin heal itself—that means smoothing ridges and promoting a more even complexion overall.
Variety of Treatment Areas
While collagen induction therapy may be performed primarily on the face, the truth is that you can treat a wide variety of areas with this therapy. This is, again, because it’s a minimally invasive procedure.
So, if you’re looking for a solution for wrinkles, sagging skin, or discoloration on your body, odds are CIT can get the job done. Areas you can have treated with collagen induction therapy include the face, neck, stomach, arms, legs, and hands.
Collagen induction therapy might not be the be-all, end-all solution to your skin care problems. But it could be the beginning of your journey to better skin for the future. If you’re interested in learning more about this procedure, contact our team at North Pacific Dermatology today to set up your consultation.