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Diagnosed with Eczema? Try These Cold Weather Skin Care Tips

Living with eczema can be a challenge, especially if you live in an area where the winters are harsh, dry, and freezing. If you’re one of those people, here are a few important winter skin care tips to help you manage your eczema.


Winter Eczema Symptoms

Eczema symptoms can be annoying on the best of days, but during the winter they can really do a number on your skin. One of the most common symptoms to keep an eye out for is severe itching, especially at night. Resist the urge to scratch, though, because it will likely just make your eczema rash worse. Not only that, but it could lead to an infection if you’re not careful.

Another symptom to watch out for is dry, scaly skin. These patches of skin may look like they’re ready to fall off, but again, resist the urge to touch them. Doing so could lead to oozing and a potential open wound. If you notice either of these symptoms worsening during the winter months, it’s time to take action.

Better yet, here are a few tips to help you prevent them.

Skip the Screaming Hot Showers

Hot showers might feel great in the moment, but for people with eczema, it could lead to severe symptoms. Hot water and excess exposure to water dries out the skin to a degree that could be damaging to people living with eczema. Instead, consider using warm water to bathe.

In addition, try to limit the number of showers or baths you take, or at least shorten them significantly. Another great way to limit water damage to your skin is to use moisturizing products specifically made for eczema treatment while bathing.

Use a Humidifier

While a humidifier alone isn’t the most effective eczema treatment during the winter, it can certainly help in conjunction with other treatment options. A humidifier will help keep moisture in the air inside your home, which your skin will thank you for. This is an especially useful tool in your bedroom. Turn it on while you sleep or before you go to bed to make sure your nasal passageways and your skin don’t get dried out.

Use a Thick Moisturizer

Skin irritants are one of the biggest culprits when it comes to eczema flare-ups. If you’re used to using a generic, scented moisturizer, winter may prove to be an issue for your eczema. Instead, consider a dermatologist-recommended moisturizer that really packs a moisturizing punch. Something thick and created to help with eczema rashes is typically a good idea. In addition, make sure you’re using an unscented moisturizer. Scented products tend to irritate eczema, even on the best days.

If store-bought moisturizer isn’t doing it for you, it’s usually best to see your dermatologist. If your eczema flares up terribly during the winter, you may even need a prescription-grade moisturizer for your skin.

Eczema can be a real pain during the winter. Fortunately, our dermatologists are here to help. If you’re experiencing severe eczema flare-ups during the winter months and you need a solution, don’t hesitate to set up an appointment at North Pacific Dermatology Specialists today.

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