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3 Tips for Faking a Healthy Glow

Summer is here, which means it’s the perfect time of year to show off your glowing skin. But glowing skin doesn’t have to come at the cost of laying outside in the sun for hours. If you want to fake a healthy glow like the best of them, here are a few key tips.


Use a Tinted Lotion or Tanning Cream

It might seem contradictory to everything you’ve heard in the past, but sun exposure is the enemy of truly healthy, glowing skin. If you want to get a little extra color on your skin this season, fake it!

Tinted moisturizers not only offer a bit of color, they offer all the moisture your skin needs to stay supple and healthy. In addition, you can invest in a tinted moisturizer specifically formulated for use on your face.

If you’re not big into full-coverage foundation, this is an excellent alternative that can help you fake that healthy summer glow in your daily makeup routine. And if you really want that tanned summer look without risking sun damaged skin and premature wrinkles, invest in a good self-tanning cream. Make sure you’re exfoliating before you apply to ensure the cream absorbs into your skin and gives you the glow that you’re looking for.

If you’re not sure what kind of tanning cream is best for your skin, it’s a good idea to consult with your dermatologist to find an effective formula that won’t cause a skin rash.

Mix Highlighting Serum with Foundation

Maybe you don’t want an all-over summer glow, but your face could use a little bit more radiance. If you’re not ready to invest in a chemical peel, there’s a simple makeup trick that can help you fake that glowy look that you love.

Simply mixing a few drops of highlighting serum into your foundation can work wonders for the skin on your face. You’ll require a liquid foundation and a highlighting serum that matches the undertones of your skin to make this as convincing as possible. You can mix a few drops of highlighter in with your foundation on the back of your hand or on a glass palette.

In addition, make sure you’re using concealer to highlight the areas underneath your eyes and anywhere you’re experiencing hyperpigmentation. With these little adjustments to your makeup routine, you’ll be positively glowing without ever having to set foot in the sun.

Change Your Skin Care Routine

While it might seem faster to just “fake” your healthy glow, it’s actually not too tough to help your skin get a bit of a glow naturally! One of the most important things you can do to achieve brighter skin naturally that will lend itself to that fake glow even more effectively is to use the right skin care products.

In addition, you should consider changing up your skin care routine in a way that prioritizes developing a healthy, glowing complexion. If you’re not sure what kinds of products you should be using to help your skin along its glowy journey, make an appointment to speak with your dermatologist.

Based on factors such as your skin type, your line of work, and the amount of time you’re spending outdoors, you can work together to determine what products will lend themselves best to helping you develop naturally glowing skin. The best part? You won’t even need to set foot in the sun to get that glow going.

Getting a healthy summer glow doesn’t have to be a pain or cost you your actual, youthful skin. If you have questions about getting that summer glow you’ve always wanted or want to start up a new summer skincare routine, set up an appointment at North Pacific Dermatology today.

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